Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Antisemitism is a cancer that the doctors told us was in remission but has come roaring back. Not only has it come roaring back, it has metastasized – it has spread and now infects some major organs. Having been confined to Arab nations and Muslim countries it has now spread to Universities and Institutions all around the world. Antisemitism will be the cause of the death of the world. God told Abraham that those who bless him and the nation coming from him will be blessed and those who curse him and the nation coming from him will be cursed. The world is under the curse of God. And when all the nations are gathered against Israel and attack her, the world as we know it will cease to exist at the return of Jesus Christ. Antisemites are paving the way for the end of the world.
But let’s be precise. Just because someone disagrees with how Israel is prosecuting the war against Hamas doesn’t mean they are an antisemite. Many Americans disagreed with how America fought the war in Vietnam – this doesn’t make them anti-American.
Just because someone disagrees with Israeli policy dealing with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank doesn’t make them antisemite any more than you disagreeing with our border policy makes you anti-American.
Just because someone marches in a pro-Palestinian protest doesn’t make them an antisemite – it just makes them a tool and a fool. Not everyone who chants, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free,” knows what they’re chanting about.
But if you believe that Israel is to blame for the attack of Hamas and its slaughter of innocent civilians on October 7, you are an antisemite. If you believe that Hamas has the moral high ground, you are an antisemite. If you believe that Israel has no right to defend herself in the current struggle, you are an antisemite. If you believe that Israel must be destroyed, you are an antisemite. If you hate Jews for being Jews, you are an antisemite.
Antisemites pave the way for the Antichrist, and the Antichrist drives world history off the cliff into the abyss. The global mood is ripe for the Antichrist. As the cancer of antisemitism metastasizes throughout the earth, a great politician and statesman will arise who will be seen as having the ability to bring peace to a volatile and seething world. He will negotiate a peace between Israel and the antisemitic world. It will be a false peace; it will be a temporary peace. It won’t bring healing to hearts that hate. It will be more like a mega-dose of morphine injected into international relations. The aching pain of antisemitism will seem to subside but will come roaring back yet again as the Antichrist makes a pariah of Israel with broken promises and the whole world will rise up against her and gather against her for war. When all seems lost, Jesus Christ will return, reveal Himself to His brethren – and thus all Israel shall be saved! It’s a breath taking panorama, yet never has it been so geo-politically viable.
The road to the rapture of the Church and the second coming of Jesus Christ have never been more clearly seen. I believe that sometime before the Antichrist brings a false and temporary peace between Israel and the antisemitic world, Jesus Christ will rapture, snatch away all true Christians. When the Antichrist negotiates a peace between Israel and the antisemitic world, this will trigger the last seven years of human history as we know it. During this time of pseudo-peace in the world, the wrath of God will be poured out on a Christ-rejecting, antisemitic world. This epoch when the wrath of God is poured out upon the world is called in the Bible the time of Great Tribulation. The apostle Paul tells us that we who have trusted Christ are not destined for wrath, but for rapture!
Though the way is paved for the Antichrist, we are looking for Jesus Christ! May you repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a wild world, thank God for an awesome Savior!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
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